Ethiopian Kochere Biloya Yirgacheffe Natural
Coffee Grade: Kochere Biloya Natural
Farm/Coop/Station/: Kore Biloya
Sub-Region/Town: Kore Biloya
Varietal: 74100, 74112, Indigenous Local Heirlooms
Region: Gedio, SNNPR
Processing: Natural Fermentation (Drying Beds)
Farm Size: > 3 hectares on average
Altitude: 1700-1900 m.a.s.l
Harvest Months: October - December
Kore Biloya is one of Tracon’s oldest washing
station. This station produces natural coffees that
are very floral-like .
Farmers selectively handpick ripe cherry and deliver it to Biloya. At intake, employees visually inspect cherry and accept only fully ripe cherry for anaerobic fermentation. Selected cherry is tightly packed in GrainPro bags and sealed shut. Cherry ferments anaerobically (without oxygen) for 18 to 24 hours.
Anaerobic fermentation occurs in sealed containers. The seal means the microbes fueling fermentation quickly consume all the oxygen in the container. At that point, the environment becomes anaerobic (without oxygen). In this new environment, the microbes that typically breathe oxygen have a harder time surviving, and those that flourish on carbon dioxide (the typical byproduct of oxygen-breathing microbes) are able to dominate fermentation.
After fermentation, cherry is carefully removed from bags and laid to dry in direct sunlight on raised beds. Workers turn cherry frequently to promote even drying. It takes approximately 2 to 3 weeks for cherry to dry.